Taktikal for

With an integration for Slack you can receive alerts for new signatures, helping you stay on top of your onboarding processes.
Easy to
Click the “Install the app” button at the top of this page to add the app to your company workspace in Slack.
Open the "Home" tab in the app and click "Connect". This will open a permissions page from Slack. Click "Allow", this will open your app.taktikal.com portal and finalize the integration.
Once the app has been added to the workspace, other users can find it by scrolling to the bottom of the left hand panel and clicking “add apps”, searching for “Taktikal” and configuring their account (see step 2).
Send documents for signing from within app.taktikal.com and watch as the notification arrives in Slack once signing is complete.
Close deals faster than ever.
The user email address in Slack needs to match with the user email in app.taktikal.com to show up in Slack.
You are only able to see signature activity in Slack if you are the user that started the signature process.
Taktikal for Slack is free.
No, the first version of the app only displays signing activity, but can’t start signing processes.
Send us an email at help@taktikal.com describing the problem along with the account information and user email and we’ll look into it.
IDs supported
take the first step and send us a message
Reach out to us and let us know how we can help you get started.